Changing accounting climate driving growth in trusts

May 4, 2021
Self-managed super funds (SMSFs) have long played a pivotal role in the business models of key accounting firms. However, changes in superannuation policy around contribution caps and the introduction of the transfer balance cap have motivated accountants and advisers to provide investors with the next best alternative for tax effective wealth management.

How to handle unusual assets in your SMSF

June 1, 2020
Investors often talk about running a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) being difficult or risky. This is probably because trustees of SMSFs are ultimately responsible for complying with all the rules, many of which they don’t understand in detail. That sounds risky!

How to ease tax time pain with automation

May 12, 2020
The end of the financial year means wrapping up 12 months of activity for clients, lodging records with the Australian Taxation Office and finalising accounts. It is a time when every client needs attention and accounting practices’ resources are stretched. This is why more and more accounting processes are relying on automation to reduce manual work and streamline processes.

Collectables and personal use assets in an SMSF

December 7, 2015
All newly acquired investments by SMSF trustees in collectables and personal use assets since 1 July 2011 have been subject to strict rules under reg 13.18AA of theSuperannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 (Cth) (‘SISR’).