NowInfinity achieves ISO 27001 compliance

June 5, 2021

NowInfinity – a Class Ltd (ASX:CL1) company – has achieved ISO27001 compliance as it continues to lead the document compliance market in terms of data and organisational security. 

ISO27001 is an internationally recognised standard on how to manage data security, and includes requirements around establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an information security management system. 

Class is pleased to announce it has maintained its ISO 27001 certification and extended the scope of the certification to include all NowInfinity data processes. 

Class is committed to providing the highest standards of security of its clients’ data and does so by retaining internationally recognised best practices. 

This certification applies to the entirety of both organisations – not just Class products – making Class one of the very few financial services software providers with a corporate-wide certification for security. 

An independent ISO 27001 assessment was conducted across both businesses and evaluated the information security management practices, maturity, capabilities and functions. During the audit process, Class successfully evidenced: 

  • Reliable and secure systems and information 
  • A focus on the customer, stakeholder and business partner confidence and requirements 
  • Robust business resilience 
  • Management processes integrated with corporate risk strategies. 

This certification shows that Class has robust business practices pertaining to information security, with a focus on preserving the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information, across the Class business. 

If you have any further questions about our ISO 20071 certification, please contact 

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